Hey, Mama!
Welcome to The Boobtique!
Meet the Owner
Bri Blankenbicker

Hey Mama!
Thank you so much for your interest in my lactation support and prenatal classes! I am so honored that you are considering trusting in me to provide you with the support and education needed for such an exciting time in your life!
I know everything surrounding having a new baby can feel a little overwhelming, the last thing I want you to feel is overwhelmed AND ill prepared! My goal is to address your fears/ anxieties, answer your questions, and turn those overwhelming feelings into feelings of excitement and readiness! You got this!!
Meet Bri!
My name is Bri Blankenbicker and I am a Registered Nurse (RN), Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), ICEA Certified Childbirth Educator (ICCE), and HypnoBirthing Childbirth Educator (HBCE). I've also completed The Oral Habilitation of the Breastfeeding Dyad: A Master Class for IBCLC's and specialize in oral restrictions.
I'm a natural minded mama to four young children and a contractors wife. We love spending time as a family out on the lake and homesteading with our mini farm.
I’m a stronger believer in faith and medical freedom! I believe that God has perfectly designed us to carry, birth, and feed our babies!
That belief serves as the strong foundation for the classes that I have personally created, as well as, the holistic lactation care that I provide.
What services do I offer?
1. Holistic Lactation Support:
Prenatal lactation support
In home postnatal lactation consultations
Virtual lactation consultations
2. Comprehensive Prenatal Education:​
Labor & Birth
Breastfeeding 101
Newborn Care
Natural Coping Measures for Labor & Birth
& More
3. Personalized Birth Planning Support
What are my specialties?​
Christ- centered support
Unmedicated birth
Home birth
Exclusive breastfeeding
Exclusive pumping
Tongue tie / Lip tie/ Oral restrictions
Breast & bottle combination feeding
Working mamas
Donor milk
Managing milk supply
Transitioning back to breast
Providing women and families with the education and tools they need to have a safe, healthy birth and postpartum experience is something that I am truly passionate about and I’m thankful you are here to learn more!
Ready to schedule?